Monday, March 10, 2008

My Birthday!!!

Being new to the blog scene and having nothing worth writing about in my life right now, or at least nothing I want you to read. I am forced to go back in time. wahhhwahhhweeeewaaahahh (Sound of time travel in case you didn't get it) There is no better time I can think of to go back to then my birthday. It was a great weekend for me and I have lots of pictures to prove it.
The plan was to go to Catalina Island and stay the night with my girl and get drunk. Not sure how it happened, but we ended up at the W Hotel in Westwood instead with Camerin and Jess. We got a bunch of booze and headed to our room only to be stopped by security and told we were not allowed to bring our own booze to the room. What the fuck kind of deal is that. I still can't figure out how you can pay 40 bucks for a room at Motel 6 and drink yourself to death but can't bring a beer into a room you payed 400 bucks for. They actually made us check our bags of liquor at the front desk. There was no way we were going to let them win. Jess and I then devised a plan to get our bags from the desk, tell them we were putting them in the car and hide them in her purse. That plan actually seems pretty simple now but I assure you at the time it was brilliant.
We got the booze to the room, my camera came out and the rest is history.

What you lookin' at CAM?

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